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Hey Guys, it's me well, I will post the new lesson in the next few days, I just got to finish it and the I will explain the next lesson, for now I will only say that the next lesson will be of the body, so don't expect to draw bodies in the next lesson, in the next lesson I will only explain the basics of a body, so in the other lesson I will explain step by step how to draw a manga body, so please be patient, remember in this blog I will learn side by side with you so, I'm no expert so please be patient with me, another thing I just got a step ahead of you and I will give you a greeeeat exercise to do, so another thing  I was gonna tell you is that sooner or in future lessons I will explain how to create your own manga, O.O that's right your own manga, so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease be patient I will cover all the basics in the drawing of manga, so remember, if you guys wanna contact me, you can follow me on twitter: @OreoCnMostaza, and again I know this is not the best username for twitter but you know I like it and you wont make me change it, if you try I will ask Chuck Norris to kill you XD not seriously i will not change it because I like it, so another way to contact me is to the next email address: alan.jaimes@gmail,com, so if you guys are thinking, but why not with facebook, just for a simple reason, it's for my security, my facebook I will only give it to people I know in real life not to people on the internet, and remember if you are a kid don't share any importan information on the internet you don't know how bad can the people really, neither myself, so I tell this because there's a mom that wrote me the other day telling me that his son started to share his info so I just want you to take precautions on the internet, because most of people don't have any good intentios, as I do so please be conscious so I finish this entrance for today and I will post the next lesson really soon. :)

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