Lesson 7 hands

Hey guys I'm back with another lessons, now I promise you to give you a lesson about how to draw hands, so in this lesson I will give you two different ways of doing hands, the first one is a more realistic way, and is just a simple hand, and the other one is more an anime style, though it's not a 100% anime but it's more anime, so I'm gonna start with the first example, now the first step is to do a simple square, that's right a simple square, as you can see on the next picture

Now after I did the square I made another square above the one I just did, with the exception that this one is going to be more like an oval, You'll see what I mean in the next picture, and I also made a sausage shape to indicate where the thumb is going to be

Now the next step is to indicate where the rest of the 4 fingers are going to be, so for that I divide the oval square, I don't know an specific word to describe that shape XD, by half, and then the other two half divide it by half, I don't know If I'm explaining well But I think you will once you see the next picture

Now the next step is to start to add the details, I added to diagonal lines in the first square to indicate where the wrist is going to be, now, I will start adding the details, now remember each finger is composed by 3 spots, called phalange another thing is that the four fingers have a different length.
The pinky is the smallest, next the thumb, next the ring finger, now the index finger, and the longest is the
middle finger, you can notice that with your own hand, and you can see it with the next picture

Now another thing you should keep in mind is in the anime the nails aren't detailed to much they mangakas just do like a curve line to suggest it, now you can change a little the size of the hand if you consider, that is too big or too small, so you can just work inside the lines if you think is too big, or work a little outside if you think is small, it's as you wish to do it, in my case I considered that the hand was to big so I re size it a little bit, now after I got all this, I should begin adding the inking and the shadows to get something like this, 

Remember this first example is more realistic, anime hands, usually don't have this kind of deatail, but you know you should know how to draw a little of each style, it can be helpful to you, now as you can see I used my own hand as a reference, so after you guys are done you can erase the guide lines, I let them this time but I usually erase them, so starting with the next example, I will do a hand more of the anime style, I will dop all the same steps, another thing I forgot to tell you earlier is that you can modify the steps at your own style, thing that I did with the next example

Another thing is if you are going to practice several times how to do a hand or anything else you don't have to use another sheet to draw it, you know I'm a little echo, so I don't like to waste paper because I could use it in something more important, now as you can see I did the square making the line where the fingers are going to be placed more diagonal, because this hand will look like if it's trying to catch or take something, now another thing you can see is that I place the thumb already, I'm sorry the time I have drawing made me have some habits, and I place it before, but that's ok that's no problem now I'm gonna place the rest of the fingers with some rectangles as you can see in the next image

I know it  doesn't look like If is trying to take something, but with the details is going to look better, now I will add the details, and I will ink the picture, because I don't want to make this lesson more longer, so in the next picture you will see the final results

I know I have that probably don't look like a anime hand but you know is less detailed that the first example, and that makes it more anime, but as I said before the anime hands don't have to much detail, So I'm finishing this lesson, and the next lesson will be about the eyes, so anyway remember that you can follow me on twitter: @OreoCnMostaza, or you can email me: alan.jaimes@gmail.com, and you can also add me on deviant watch at deviant art AJJDS, and I will be back with another one soon :D

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Lesson 7 hands


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